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发布时间:2022-09-06 19:24:04


中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社9月3日报道,经过数月及新的承诺,巴布亚新几内亚将履行与这家法国能源巨头达成的一项天然气协议,为该国130亿美元的扩大燃料出口计划扫清一个主要障碍。


该国石油部长Kerenga Kua周二在一份声明中表示,道达尔做出了新的承诺(在8月30日的一封信中已详细说明),这些承诺主要是“对未来潜在利益方面做出了重大让步,而这些利益是此前该国在签署的协议中无法获得的。”



巴布亚液化天然气交易的最终敲定,是重启有关埃克森美孚牵头的P 'nyang项目谈判的必要条件。一旦这些工作完成,这两家将共享基础设施的企业就可以向前端工程和设计工作方面发展。这对合作伙伴正与全球范围内的一波液化天然气项目展开竞争,这些项目旨在未来10年启动。

沈韩晔 摘译自彭博社


Total's Pledges Win Gas Deal Commitmen皮带配件t by Papua New Guinea

After months of delays and new commitments, Papua New Guinea will honor a gas deal with the French energy giant, clearing a major hurdle for a $13 billion plan to expand the nation’s fuel exports.

The Papua LNG projectM counts Exxon Mobil Corp. and Oil Search Ltd. as partners.

The nation’s petroleum minister, Kerenga Kua, said in a statement Tuesday that绝缘线 Total has made new commitments, detailed in an Aug. 30 letter, that are mostly “substantial new concessions on potential future benefits not previously available to the country under the signed agree婚礼跟拍ment.”

It’s the government’s position “that the Papua LNG project be allowed to proceed in accordance with the terms of the related gas agreement,” Kua said in the statement. “But which terms must be interpreted and applied in accordance with the Total letter and the related expe管件ctations of the government and the state.”

Total said it welcomed the decision to honor the gas agreement, calling it “a positive signal for foreign investment in the country.”

Finalization of the Papua LNG deal is necessary for talks to resume on the related Exxon-led P’nyang project. Once those are concluded, both ventures, which will share infrastructure, can progress to front-end engineering and design work. The partners are competing with a wave of LNG projects around the world aiming to start up next decade.
